Protocol for a Randomized Hybrid Type 2 Trial on the Implementation of Group Problem Management Plus (PM+) for Venezuelan Women Refugees and Migrants in Colombia

Background: Task-sharing interventions have shown to be feasible and effective in reducing symptoms of psychological distress. Research is currently needed on how task-shared interventions can be sustained with less-intensive technical support from mental health providers, often available in controlled research trials.


Prevalence and Predictors of Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms among Uyghurs Abroad

This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and its correlations among Uyghurs abroad. The sample included 264 Uyghurs living in various countries. The data were collected between October and November 2022 through an online self-report survey including a demographic Information Form, Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ-5) and several questions about current events related to past traumatic experiences and social interaction. The prevalence of PTSS was 44%.

Investigating the Feasibility and Impact of Perinatal Depression Screening and Treatment in Rural Nsambe, Malawi

Perinatal depression contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality of women and children in low- and middle-income countries. However, due to low resources and little evidence on the impact of screening and treatment, few interventions are offered. Our study aims to assess the feasibility and impact of depression symptoms with screening and treatment of women in rural Malawi.


The Use of Comics to Promote a Community-based Peer-support Intervention among Young Refugees in a Camp in Greece

The article presents the creation of an informational and recruitment tool in comic form, for a psychosocial intervention program aimed at refugees as well as the process of its cultural adaptation. We aimed to culturally adopt the comic and ascertain whether the participants’ perception of the comic was in line with the illustrator’s goal. The study involved refugee communities that lived in the Closed Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) of Samos.

Incremental Cost Analysis of Training of Trainers and Helpers in Problem Management Plus (PM+) Using an Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support (EQUIP) Competency-based Approach in Nepal

We estimated incremental costs of a competency-based Problem Management Plus (PM+) training of trainers (ToT) and training of helpers (TOH), guided by the World Health Organization (WHO)/United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Ensuring Quality in Psychological Support (EQUIP) platform compared to a standard PM+ training. Activity-based cost analysis was conducted in Kathmandu, Nepal from July to October 2021. Organisational perspectives were assessed on resources required to implement one PM+ ToT, one EQUIP training for trainers and six PM+ ToH.

Challenges and Opportunities for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programming During Ukraine Refugee Crisis in Czechia

The Czech government, the Czech Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Czech Ministry of Interior (MoI) have acknowledged mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for refugees from Ukraine as an important component of the humanitarian response. Despite their support to refugees from Ukraine in providing them with the essential basic services such as accommodation, livelihood, health services and education (social determinants of mental health), MHPSS response is still facing some challenges.


Cognitive Processing Therapy for the Treatment of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety Symptoms and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in Syrian Refugee Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) creates psychological anguish, and victims need support, including psychotherapy. To examine the efficacy of cognitive processing therapy (CPT) in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety and difficulties with emotion regulation in Syrian refugee women living in Egypt who have experienced IPV.

Co-creation as a Methodology to Integrate Mental Health and Psychosocial Support and Peacebuilding

The integration of peacebuilding and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) is a new field that is receiving increased attention from policy makers, local and international civil society organisations and donors. The authors conducted pilot studies in four countries over a 4-year period using a co-creation process.

Health trajectories of international humanitarian aid workers : growth mixture modelling findings from a prospective cohort study

Most staff stay healthy during humanitarian work, although some worsen. Mean scores on health indicators may be masking individual participants struggling with health issues.



To investigate different field assignment-related health trajectories among international humanitarian aid workers (iHAWs) and explore the mechanisms used to stay healthy.



Growth mixture modelling analyses for five health indicators using pre-/post-assignment and follow-up data.


Workshops on Trauma and Loss, Coping and Resilience, to Support Afghani Refugee Women Living in Limbo in Greece

These joint reflections are from Jane, who designed and delivered the workshops for Afghani refugee women, and Khatera, one of the participants, who supported and helped with communication in advance and throughout. They describe the main elements of the workshops and their impact. The workshops acknowledged the enormous losses and traumas the women had experienced, but also looked at ways of keeping hope alive and the importance of recognising and building on the strengths and resilience the women already had. The workshops were organised by the International Bar Association, UK.
