Association of Childhood Complex Trauma and Dissociation With Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Adulthood

This study replicates and extends prior research on the relationship of childhood complex trauma (CCT) and complex posttraumatic stress disorder (cPTSD) in adulthood, examining the role of psychoform and somatoform dissociation as a potential mediator. CCT, dissociation, and cPTSD were assessed in a large sample of adult psychiatric inpatients. Almost two thirds of participants reported having experienced CCT. Path analyses with bootstrap confidence intervals demonstrated a relationship between CCT, psychoform (but not somatoform) dissociation, and cPTSD.

Special issue: 'Trauma and PTSD: Setting the research agenda'

Trauma and PTSD: setting the research agenda Miranda Olff, Cherie Armour, Chris Brewin, Marylene Cloitre, Julian D. Ford, Jane Herlihy, Ruth Lanius, Rita Rosner, Ulrike Schmidt, Stuart Turner

Re-experiencing traumatic events in PTSD: new avenues in research on intrusive memories and flashbacks Chris R. Brewin

The underlying dimensionality of PTSD in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: where are we going? Cherie Armour

A plea for symptom-based research in psychiatry Ulrike Schmidt

Complex PTSD: research directions for nosology/ assessment, treatment, and public health

Complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) in children and adolescents extends beyond the core PTSD symptoms to dysregulation in three psychobiological domains: (1) emotion processing, (2) self-organization (including bodily integrity), and (3) relational functioning.

From shell shock to PTSD: proof of war’s traumatic history

2015 marks several important First World War anniversaries: the centenary of the first use of poison gas in January; the centenary of the Gallipoli landings and the Armenian genocide in April. It is also 100 years since The Lancet published Charles S. Myers’ article, A Contribution to the Study of Shell Shock.

The study of shell shock

Diagnosing and Treating Complex Trauma

The book introduces a layered model for diagnosing and treating complex trauma in four parts. Part One introduces the concept of complex trauma, its historical development and the various theories about trauma. The authors introduce a layered model that describes the symptoms of complex trauma, and conclude with a discussion on the three-phase model.
Part Two describes the diagnostic options available that make use of a layered model of complex trauma.

Descendants of Holocaust Survivors Have Altered Stress Hormones

A person's experience as a child or teenager can have a profound impact on their future children's lives, new work is showing.

Rachel Yehuda, a researcher in the growing field of epigenetics and the intergenerational effects of trauma, and her colleagues have long studied mass trauma survivors and their offspring. Their latest results reveal that descendants of people who survived the Holocaust have different stress hormone profiles than their peers, perhaps predisposing them to anxiety disorders.


Accessibility and effectiveness of mental health care for older adults

The treatment of mental health disorders in older adults, as for all age groups, is important
because of the negative consequences of these disorders. Several (policy) measures have
been taken to optimize mental health care, but it is not self-evident that older adults
with mental disorders will receive this care; nor is it known whether older adults really
benefit from the mental health care they actually receive.
This chapter examines the prevalence of mental disorders in older adults, factors

Recovered Memories and Accusations of Sexual Abuse : A Review of Scientific Research Relevant to Missionary Contexts

Abstract: Childhood sexual abuse of missionary children is a tragedy that mission organizations are seeking to prevent. A second tragedy concerns missionaries falsely accused of sexual abuse. Psychotherapy that generated false memories of sexual abuse was common in the 1980s and 1990s and still continues to some degree today in Christian circles. This chapter reviews scientific evidence that such false memories exist and provides guidelines that Christian organizations may use to help sort true memories of childhood sexual abuse from false memories of childhood sexual abuse. 

Measuring trauma: considerations for assessing complex and non-PTSD Criterion A childhood trauma

The current definition of a traumatic event in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013) may be too narrow to describe the myriad of difficult childhood experiences. Furthermore, youth may develop a distinct pattern of symptoms in relation to complex or multiple childhood trauma experiences, the proposed developmental...
