ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre


Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for PTSD

Brief eclectic psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP) has been recognized as one evidence-based treatment for individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Clinicians interested in reducing symptoms and helping patients understand their traumatic experiences often resonate with BEPP as a treatment option. BEPP is a 16-session, manualized treatment specially designed for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. When first developed, BEPP was used and evaluated for treating police officers with PTSD in the Netherlands.

Associations of depressive rumination and positive affect regulation with emotional distress after the death of a loved one

The death of a loved one may precipitate symptoms of prolonged grief disorder (PGD), post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Brooding about the causes and consequences of one's negative affect (NA), also termed depressive rumination, has been linked to distress after loss. The role of dysregulation of positive affect (PA) has received less attention. We examined (1) the factor structure of depressive rumination and PA dysregulation and (2) to what extent these factors were related to PGD, PTSD and depression symptom levels.

Traumatic loss and psychosis – reconceptualising the role of trauma in psychosis

Literature suggests that the occurrence of psychological trauma (PT) from various negative life experiences beyond events mentioned in the DSM-criterion A, receives little to no attention when comorbid with psychosis. In fact, despite research indicating the intricate interplay between PT and psychosis, and the need for trauma-focused interventions (TFI), there continue to be mixed views on whether treating PT would worsen psychosis, with many practitioners hesitating to initiate treatment for this reason.

Screening for consequences of trauma – an update on the global collaboration on traumatic stress

This letter provides an update on the activities of “The Global Collaboration on Traumatic Stress” (GC-TS) as first described by Schnyder et al. in 2017. It presents in further detail the projects of the first theme, in particular the development of and initial data on the Global Psychotrauma Screen (GPS), a brief instrument designed to screen for the wide range of potential outcomes of trauma.

Which groups affected by Potentially Traumatic Events (PTEs) are most at risk for a lack of social support? A prospective population-based study on the 12-month prevalence of PTEs and risk factors for a lack of post-event social support

Little is known about the 12-month prevalence of potentially traumatic events (PTEs) and to what extent the type of PTE is a risk factor for post-event lack of social support. In addition, it is largely unknown if pre-event mental health problems and loneliness, and demographics are risk factors for a lack of support. Aim of the present prospective study is to fill these gaps in evidence-based knowledge.

Randomised controlled trial of multi-modular motion-assisted memory desensitisation and reconsolidation (3MDR) for male military veterans with treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder

To explore the potential efficacy of multi-modular motion-assisted memory desensitisation and reprocessing (3MDR) in British military veterans with treatment-resistant, service-related PTSD.

Exploratory single-blind, randomised, parallel arm, cross-over controlled trial with nested process evaluation to assess fidelity, adherence and factors that influence outcome.

Post-Migration Stressors and Their Association With Symptom Reduction and Non-Completion During Treatment for Traumatic Grief in Refugees

Background: Resettled refugees exposed to trauma and loss are at risk to develop mental disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD). Post-migration stressors have been linked to poor mental health and smaller treatment effects.


Aim: Our aim was to evaluate reductions in PTSD and PCBD symptoms and to explore the presence of post-migration stressors and their associations with symptom change and non-completion in a traumatic grief focused treatment in a cohort of refugees.

Traumatic loss and psychosis – reconceptualisingthe role of trauma in psychosis

Literature suggests that the occurrence of psychological trauma (PT) fromvariousnegativelifeexperiences beyond events mentioned in the DSM-criterion A, receives little to no attention whencomorbid with psychosis. In fact, despite research indicating the intricate interplay between PTand psychosis, and the need for trauma-focused interventions (TFI), there continue to be mixedviews on whether treating PT would worsen psychosis, with many practitioners hesitating toinitiate treatment for this reason.

Mobile Insight in Risk, Resilience, and Online Referral (MIRROR) : Psychometric Evaluation of an Online Self-Help Test

Background: Most people who experience a potentially traumatic event (PTE) recover on their own. A small group of individuals develops psychological complaints, but this is often not detected in time or guidance to care is suboptimal. To identify these individuals and encourage them to seek help, a web-based self-help test called Mobile Insight in Risk, Resilience, and Online Referral (MIRROR) was developed.
