Was passiert nach der stationären Stabilisierung mit komplex traumatisierten PTB-Patientinnen? Die Bedeutung von Stabilisierung und Konfrontation für die Behandlung traumatisierter Frauen

Female patients diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and additional complex backgrounds mostly receive stabilizing interventions when they are transferred into German inpatient treatments. This is assuming that patients after successful stabilization will be treated afterwards with trauma-confrontational methods in an outpatient setting. The following publication has two goals: First is to offer a quantitative literature review pertaining to stabilization and confrontational methods for patients with complex PTSD. Results showed that stabilizing interventions mostly led to small to medium effects. Cognitive-behavioral interventions seemed to be more successful. Second is the description of outpatient follow-up treatments. Thus, 147 sexually traumatized women were interviewed four years after they had received mostly stabilizing integrative inpatient treatment interventions. While patients improved considerably in terms of general psychological distress during inpatient treatment, symptom reduction for PTSD symptoms only showed small to medium effects. Only few patients received trauma-focussing interventions following the inpatient treatment. In combination with the literature review, this leads to the conclusion that during inpatient treatments confrontational interventions are recommended.

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Rosner R,Henkel C,Ginkel K,Mestel R, | 2010
Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie | 58 | 2 | 127-135