Viewing human remains following disaster: helpful or harmful?


Seventy-four bereaved of the Zeebrugge Disaster completed symptom measures some 30 months following the tragedy. The group was divided into those who viewed or did not view the body and according to time of recovery, i.e. the first night, the following weeks, at the time of righting of the ship, and subsequently. For the two main groups, where body recovery was made on the first night or on the righting of the ship, intrusive and avoidant symptomatology were lower in those who viewed, but general psychological symptoms and measures of bereavement were not affected. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to post-disaster management.

Hodgkinson PE1, Joseph S, Yule W, Williams R | 1993
In: Medicine, science, and the law, ISSN 0025-8024 | 33 | 3 | Jul | 197-202
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Yzermans collectie