An Uncontrolled Trial of a Present-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Objective The efficacy of a present-focused version of cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (CBCT for PTSD) was examined in a community sample.Method Seven couples completed pretreatment assessments, including measures of clinician-, self- and partner-rated PTSD symptoms and relationship satisfaction. Six couples completed present-focused CBCT for PTSD and all posttreatment assessments. A seventh couple terminated their relationship prior to completing treatment, therefore, they completed posttreatment symptom measures, but not ratings of relationship satisfaction.ResultsResults revealed significant decreases in PTSD symptoms that were associated with medium-to-large effect sizes. Medium effect sizes for changes in relationship satisfaction were found, though were only significant for partners.Conclusion Results from this pilot study suggest that present-focused CBCT for PTSD may be a promising alternative for individuals who are unwilling to engage in a trauma-focused treatment

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Pukay-Martin ND,Torbit L,Landy MS,Wanklyn SG,Shnaider P,Lane JE,Monson CM, | 2015
In: Journal of Clinical Psychology, ISSN 0021-9762 | 71 | 4 | april | 302–312