Treatment of Complex Trauma in Young Children: Developmental and Cultural Considerations in Application of the ARC Intervention Model

The Attachment, Self Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework is a theoretically grounded, evidence-informed, promising practice used to treat complex trauma in children and adolescents. This article introduces the ARC model and describes its application with young children of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds involved in the child protection system due to maltreatment. Examination of the clinical application of the ARC model with this population underscores the importance of grounding child complex trauma treatment in the caregiving system. Strategies for successful clinical intervention are identified, with attention devoted to cultural and systemic resources to advance the treatment process. This article presents preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of the ARC model derived from program evaluation conducted at a community-based clinic

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Arvidson J,Kinniburgh K,Howard K,Spinazzola J,Strothers H,Evans M,Andres B,Cohen C,Blaustein ME, | 2011
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma | 4 | 1 | 34-51