Treating Multitraumatized, Socially Marginalized Children: Results of a Naturalistic Treatment Outcome Study

Although early-onset, repeated trauma is relatively common in socially marginalized populations and related to numerous negative outcomes, most empirically validated interventions are not especially well tailored to meet the complex and individualized needs of child and adolescent trauma survivors in such contexts. Integrative treatment of complex trauma (ITCT) was developed as a specialized treatment that is empirically informed, culturally sensitive, extendable beyond the short term, and customized to the specific social and psychological issues of each child. This article examines the potential effectiveness of ITCT in assisting 151 traumatized children living in an economically deprived environment. Results indicate significant reductions in anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress, anger, dissociation, and sexual concerns as a function of time in treatment.

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Lanktree CB,Briere J,Godbout N,Hodges M,Chen K,Trimm L,Adams B,Maida CA,Freed W, | 2012
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma | 21 | 8 | 813-828