Traumatisierungen in der Entwicklung - unterschiedliche Verläufe stationärer Psychotherapie bei jugendlichen Patienten mit und ohne Traumatisierung

Summary Objective: Aim of the study was to examine differences between the course of inpatient treatment in adolescents with different extents of trauma history.Methods: Using multilevel analysis, we investigated the differences between the course of inpatient treatment in adolescents without trauma history, with emotional trauma and complex trauma.Results: Regarding the GSI of the SCL-90-R, patients with trauma history showed significantly more symptom reduction than patients without trauma history. In terms of interpersonal problems (IIP) especially adolescents with emotional trauma seemed to benefit.Conclusions: Especially patients with trauma history benefited from the examined inpatient treatment concept. However, our results also show that the complex traumatized patients required longer treatment duration since they benefited particularly in the last phase of inpatient treatment.

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Cropp C,Zimmermann J,Streeck-Fischer A, | 2014
PPmP - Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie | 64 | 8 | 328-335