Traumas complexes et identisation : le cas des enfants en situation de rue

Many children face adversity in their first years of life and are sometimes forced to a life without childhood. This is the case of some children in street situations. The stress of wandering has an impact on their psychological and emotional development and also on their identification process. The many cases of complex trauma (DESNOS, Disorder of stress not otherwise specified) that these victims exhibit in institutions of socialization, invites us to enter into the clinical psychotraumatology of the street.ObjectiveAfter an update on the theoretical controversies that nourish the speculation about the psychological trauma, we will examine the complex trauma and the limitations that appear in the nosology (DSM). The aim of this study is to analyze the complex entanglements between trauma, identity processes and implementation of self-image in the errant child.MethodologyWe undertook a quantitative study. One hundred and forty-eight children having spent at least one year in the street were included. We focused on the type of traumatic events they had experienced. We analyzed the relationship between the traumatic experience and the processes involved in the structuring of the personality. Our questions included the complex relationship between trauma, identity, self-image and self-esteem.Discussion and conclusionOur findings support numerous previous studies on the survival strategies of children in street situations. We have highlighted the complex relationship between the trauma of living in the street as a child and the identification process, and have hypothesized an inscription of the trauma in culture through the notion of its meaning, in terms of how life events impact the development of these subjects, a difference between trauma carried out and trauma suffered.

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Kommegne T,Bernoussi A,Denoux P, | 2014
L'Évolution Psychiatrique | 79 | 4 | 655-666