Trauma, torture and dissociation : a psychoanalytic view

Understanding trauma is central in this book, from a relational psychoanalytical perspective, with the view that childhood trauma of patient is a dual narration along with the developmental processes as a factor creating resilient qualities. The theoretical material is presented in close conjunction with clinical data in the form of vignettes and case studies. Presentation of vignettes and case studies focuses on the multidimensional approach examining the contributions of psychoanalysis, emphasising the act of 'dissociation' (healthy and unhealthy). Specific attention is given to the internalisation of the m/other/object as the 'listening other', and the dissociated part/s that may results in an over idealised yet feared object. The final discussion focuses on how patients in therapy become able to transform fears into 'psychic space' and breaking away from vulnerability, by developing a better 'sense of self', as the result of having the therapists as the 'listening other'. The central theory of psychoanalysis as a form of treatment that enhances resilience in relation in working with patient experienced trauma considered, by the mean of assessing relationship change in transference as an objective method of determining patience psychical alteration.

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Met vriendelijke groet,
Het psychotraumanet-team.

Aida Alayarian | 2011
315 p | London : Karnac Books

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