Trauma-related dreams of Australian veterans with PTSD: content, affect and phenomenology

Objective: Consensus on the parameters of trauma-related dreams required to meet criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is critical when: 1: the diagnosis requires a single re-experiencing symptom, and 2: trauma dreams are prevalent in survivors without PTSD. Method: This study investigated the phenomenology of PTSD dreams in 40 veterans, using structured interview and self-report measures. Results: Dream content varied between replay, non-replay, and mixed, but affect was largely the same as that experienced at the time of trauma across all dream types. ANOVA indicated no difference between dream types on PTSD severity or nightmare distress. Conclusions: The findings provide preliminary support for non-replay dreams to satisfy the DSM B2 diagnostic criterion when the affect associated with those dreams is the same as that experienced at the time of the traumatic event.

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Andrea J. Phelps [et al.] | 2011
In: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health = ISSN 1326-0200 | 45 | 10 | oktober | 853-860

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