Trauma concepts in research and practice : An Overview

Trauma is a key concept in many fields of psychology and medicine. Different understandings of trauma are at play here, which are sometimes blurred and usually have little relation to each other. In order to provide orientation in the discussion and to contribute to a reflected use of the concept of trauma in research and practice, this book presents central - clinical, psychosocial, transgenerational and collective - trauma concepts and demonstrates their significance in selected therapeutic, institutional, research and socio-political fields of practice by means of case studies. 

  • Concise general overview of important trauma concepts
  • Combination of theoretical foundation, empirical findings and application benefit
  • Offer for interdisciplinary connections to the trauma discourse

Table of contents (7 chapters)

  • Front Matter  Pages i-viii
  • Introduction / Phil C. Langer, Adina Dymczyk, Alina Brehm, Joram Ronel  Pages 1-2
  • A Brief History of Trauma Discourse / Phil C. Langer, Adina Dymczyk, Alina Brehm, Joram Ronel  Pages 3-6
  • The Clinical Concept of Trauma / Phil C. Langer, Adina Dymczyk, Alina Brehm, Joram Ronel  Pages 7-14
  • Psychosocial Understandings of Trauma / Phil C. Langer, Adina Dymczyk, Alina Brehm, Joram Ronel  Pages 15-21
  • Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma / Phil C. Langer, Adina Dymczyk, Alina Brehm, Joram Ronel Pages 23-28
  • Concepts of Collective Traumatization / Phil C. Langer, Adina Dymczyk, Alina Brehm, Joram Ronel Pages 29-34
  • Perspectives on Trauma Discourse / Phil C. Langer, Adina Dymczyk, Alina Brehm, Joram Ronel Pages 35-36
  • Back Matter Pages 37-42

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Phil C. Langer, Adina Dymczyk, Alina Brehm, Joram Ronel | 2023
ISBN: 978-3-658-40483-3 | 42 pagina's | Wiesbaden : Springer
Collectie: Essentials
Collective Traumatization, Complex PTSD, Intergenerational Effects, Interventions, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Psychosocial impact, Psychotrauma, PTSD (en), Research, Violence