Translating Conceptualizations Into Practical Suggestions: What the Literature on Radicalization Can Offer to Practitioners

This article explores what the research literature on radicalization offers to practitioners who are coming into contact with a group which is potentially vulnerable to radicalization. This literature provides comprehensive examinations of the socioeconomic context in which extremism and radicalization can flourish, the psychological processes that individuals undergo before extremism and radicalization develop further into terrorism. and factors that can influence deradicalization and disengagement. We explore how the expertise contained within scientific literature on this subject can be seen through a practical lens and translated into practice for professionals working with young people who might be open to the messages of radical groups. We identify key figures who can play positive roles during the deradicalization process and provide suggestions as to how they might do so.

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Holly F. Young, Magda Rooze, Jorien Holsappel | 2014
In: Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, ISSN 1078-1919 | 14 p.
Deradicalization, Extremism, Literature Review, Policy Issues, Radicalization, Religion, Religious leaders, Staircase to Terrorism model