Themanummer: Classificatie van persoonlijkheidsstoornissen
Classifying personality disorders: an Evolution-based alternative to an Evidence-based approach-Theodore Millon, Personality assessment in DSM-V: empirical support for rating severity, style and traits-C.J.Hopwood et al., Classifying Personality Disorders according to severity-M.J.Crawford et al., Beyond dysfunction and threshold-based classification: a multidimensional model of Personality Disorder diagnosis-R.F.Bornstein et al., Integrating normal and abnormal personality structures: a proposal for DSM-V-T.A.Widiger, The central domain of Personality Pathology in psychiatric patients-R.T.Mulder et al., The structure of Personality Disorders: comparing the DSM-IV-TR Axis II classification with the Five-Factor model framework using structural equation modelling-Leen Bastiaansen et al., An Empirically-based classification of Personality Disorder-W.John Livesley
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