Suicide mortality among deployed male military personnel compared with men who were not deployed

Suicide mortality among deployed male military personnel compared with men who were not deployed In the US, reports have been published on high suicide rates among US military personnel after deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) studied whether this was also the case for Dutch male deployed military personnel. The study did not find indications of high suicide rates between 2004 and 2012 among deployed male military personnel. It cannot be ruled out that different results might be found if a different follow-up period, including other missions, were studied. To gain more insight into the possible consequences of deployment for military personnel and how it affects their life, a different type of research is necessary. It is important to examine, amongst other things, which factors have an influence on the suicide cases. Further expanding the research questions to suicide attempts by military personnel might supplement the current findings. The RIVM used data from over 40,000 Dutch male deployed military personnel. Since 2004, the Ministry of Defence has used a central register of military personnel. In this study, military personnel deployed for 30 consecutive days or more were examined. The number of military personnel that died between 2004 and 2012 and the causes of death were determined by using data from Statistics Netherlands. The rates of suicide mortality among deployed military personnel did not differ statistically significant compared with the rates of suicide among working Dutch men and military men who were not deployed or deployed for less than 30 days. The Ministry of Defence asked the RIVM to perform this study because of the concern expressed by military personnel, the media and politicians.

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Kelly Rijs, Rik Bogers | 2015
Bilthoven : National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
RIVM Report 2015-0155. This investigation has been performed by order and for the account of ministry of Defence.