'Strength at Home' Intervention to Prevent Conflict and Violence in Military Couples: Pilot Findings

In this article, we report on a pilot study of Strength at Home-Couples (SAH-C), a 10-session cognitive-behavioral couples-based group intervention designed to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) in military couples. The primary purposes of this pilot study were to determine feasibility of recruiting, retaining, and assessing SAH-C participants in addition to those participating in a comparison Supportive Therapy (ST) group-based couples intervention. Recruitment was challenging for this pilot study and we report on several barriers to recruitment as well as 'lessons learned' for enhancing recruitment and overall intervention efforts. Preliminary pilot data were promising with respect to reductions and prevention of IPV in those receiving the SAH-C intervention. Initial results for the secondary intervention targets were less favorable for the SAH-C intervention, with effect sizes suggesting a trend in which relationship satisfaction increased more in the ST intervention

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Taft CT,Howard J,Monson CM,Walling SM,Resick PA,Murphy CM, | 2014
Partner Abuse | 5 | 1 | 41-57