School-Based Psychological Screening in the Aftermath of a Disaster: Are Parents Satisfied and Do Their Children Access Treatment?

This study investigated parents’ satisfactionwith postdisaster school-based screening and whether satisfactionwas related to follow-through with screening recommendations. From among 1,268 there were 224 children, ages 7–18 years (M = 10.97, SD = 2.44 years) screened for emotional distress 4 months after a flood and 130 parents who completed the screening evaluation. Of the 44 children who showed severe emotional distress, less than 50% of their parents reported concerns and only 29.5% had sought assistance. Following screening, 86.7% of these children completed treatment. Overall satisfaction ratings by parents were high, with 99.2% very or mostly satisfied.

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Kellee M. Poulsen, Brett M. McDermott, Jeffrey Wallis, Vanessa E. Cobham | 2015
In: Journal of Traumatic Stress, ISSN 0894-9867 | 28 | 1 | februari | 69-72
Brief report
Accessibility, Acute Phase, Children, Crisis Intervention, Disasters, Distress Tolerance, Parents, Psychological Debriefing, Stressors, Treatment