Sacrifice as Coping: A Case Study of the Cultural-Political Framing of Traumatic Esperiences among Eelam Tamils in Norway

Although traumatic events may be pathogenic to some, they may also be moderated by social and cultural factors such as community support and positively framed cultural reconceptualizations of the traumatic events. This article analyses how cultural-political narratives may frame individual traumatic experiences and channel them into collective causes among Tamil refugees in Norway. Data derives from participant observation within Tamil NGOs in Norway between September 2006 and February 2010. Cultural-political narratives and symbolism related to heroes and martyrs who literally sacrifice themselves for the Tamil cause often prompt guilt among exiled Tamils who live comfortable lives in the Norwegian welfare society. The way out of it entails a reconceptualization of what sacrifice means and the purposes it serves in exile.

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Eugene Guribye | 2011
In: Refugee Studies = ISSN 0951-6328 | 24 | june | 376-389