Responses to terrorism : can psychosocial approaches break the cycle of violence?

Why do responses to terrorist attacks often perpetuate cycles of deadly violence? Using the violence in Northern Ireland and Rwanda as case studies throughout, Part 1, The Context of Terrorism, looks at the psychological and social influences behind extremism, terrorism and conflict. Part 2, Reponses to a Terrorist Attack, examines the responses that can feed a cycle of violence and assesses a range of approaches for their success in ending violence. Part 3, Breaking the Cycle, looks in depth at specific environments, influences and changes that can affect how violence can be prevented or mitigated, including the role of schools and the media and an examination of how peace processes were carried out in Northern Ireland and Rwanda. The book works to demonstrate how psychological responses to a terror attack can trigger unstable emotional responses and override judgement and to identify the five key points in a cycle of violence.

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Met vriendelijke groet,
Het psychotraumanet-team.

edited by Colin Murray Parkes | 2014
264 p | London , New York : Routledge

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s8.4 RES