Resilience and post-traumatic growth following late life polyvictimization : A scoping review

Late life polyvictimization occurs when an older adult experiences multiple types of abuse, including elder abuse, either simultaneously or sequentially, and impacts roughly 1 in 4 elder abuse cases.
Although the effects of late life polyvictimization can include mental and physical health disorders, some older adults demonstrate post-traumatic growth following trauma both earlier and later in life. However, to date, our understanding of resilience and post-traumatic growth following lifelong trauma and late life polyvictimization has not been systematically explored.
As such, the current scoping review examines resilience, post traumatic growth, and mental health in late life. Although sparse, identified articles did provide significant links between resilience, post-traumatic growth, and PTSD in late life in line with the resilience portfolio framework. Recommendations and guidelines to guide future research are discussed.

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Alexandria G. Nuccio, Ashley M. Stripling | 2021
In: Aggresion and Violent Behavior ; ISSN: 1359-1789 | 57 | march/april | 101481
Elderly, Mental health, Posttraumatic growth, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD (en), Resilience