"Remembering the Second World War in Belgium and Britain : comparing the educational role of museums"

Passing on the memory of the Second World War to future generations has always been highly important to prevent the resurgence of such event. As a result of growing international tensions and the gradual disappearance of first-hand witnesses, this need became crucial in recent years. Several studies have been conducted on the commemoration of the Second World War in Belgium and England, but none of them compares the situation in the two countries. This research contributes to bridging that academic gap. Due to their educational role, museums were selected in the framework of this research, among other sites of memory that contribute to the transmission of collective memory.


This dissertation first identified the aspects of the Second World War that are commemorated in permanent exhibitions in Belgian and English museums. The role that museums play in Second World War education was also analysed. For that purpose, this study determined the type of educational activities and resources covering the Second World War that are provided by Belgian and English museums. Furthermore, it investigated whether the aspects of the Second World War that are tackled in educational practices in Belgian and English museums correlate with the aspects of the war that are mentioned in the respective national curricula. Finally, this study examined Belgian and English museum practices related to the Holocaust, both in terms of permanent exhibitions and educational practices. The lists of Belgian and English museums that have been established to conduct this research include detailed information...

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Isaline Bouillard | 2022
Master Theses of the UCLouvain.
Belgium, Collaboration, Commemoration, Cultural Values, Curriculum, Education, Great Britain, Holocaust (en), Jews, Memory, Museums, Policy Issues, Remembrance, Research, Resistance Fighters, World War II