Psychosocial effects of threat and protection, Commisioned Report for the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism

In recent years, politicians and other people in positions of authority have received increasingly stringent security. Taking protective measures and being accompanied by protection officers can influence the lives of the people being protected. Some form of psychosocial advice and/ or support may therefore be advisable. The National Coordinator for Counterterrorism (NCTb) commissioned a project team headed by Prof. B.P.R. Gersons from the AMC in Amsterdam to conduct a descriptive, systematic study on the psychosocial effects of threat and protection. The aim of the study was to facilitate a more systematic approach to the support of threatened people and their families, who have been entrusted to the care of the NCTb, and to incorporate the latest insights into that support. It had already become apparent from the NCTb contacts with similar services in other countries that attention is seldom focused on advising protected persons from a psychosocial point of view. The project group also noted that there is almost no literature on the effects of threat and protection. The group accordingly chose to conduct a literature review on relevant themes, supplemented by findings from interviews with people who are currently being protected or have been protected in the past, and from interviews with protection officers. In order to gain insight into the psychosocial effects of threat and protection, an adapted stress model was developed on the basis of the model proposed by Olff, Langeland, & Gersons (2005a, 2005b).

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M.J. Nijdam, M. Olff, M. de Vries, W.J. Martens, B.P.R. Gersons | 2008
Den Haag : The National Coordinator for Counterterrorism (NCTb)