Psychological mindedness assessment procedure – validation study of a Dutch version

Objective. The Psychological Mindedness Assessment Procedure [PMAP; McCallum, M. & Piper, W E. (1990)] operationalizes psychological mindedness as a participant’s understanding of the problem presented by two videotaped enacted patients. To possibly enhance predictive power for psychotherapy outcome, we added two video scenarios with emotionally high-impact. This article describes psychometric properties of the Dutch translation of the PMAP and the extended version, the PMAP-plus. Design. A therapy-analogue study with non-clinical participants (N = 100). Methods. In individual sessions, participants watched the four video-scenarios and responded to the PMAP-question ‘What seems to be troublingthis woman?’. Emotional reactions were measured using the Positive And Negative Affect Schedule [PANAS; Watson, D., Clark, L. E. & Tellegen, A. (1988)]. Results. The PMAP and the PMAP-plus had good interrater reliability. As expected, PMAP-levels were lower for the newly added high-emotional scenarios. Validity was further supported by a negative relation of PMAP-scores with the Negative Affect subscale. Conclusions. The Dutch translation of the PMAP and the added scenarios of the PMAP-plus are reliable instruments. The predictive power for psychotherapy outcome needs to be investigated in a patient group. The variation in presented clinical problems could also make it a useful instrument to assess psychological mindedness in psychotherapists.

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Annemarie J. M. Smith , Wim Chr. Kleijn, R. Wim Trijsburg, Jaap A. Segaar, Cees P. F. van der Staak, & Giel J. M. Hutschemaekers | 2009
In: Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, ISSN 1476-0835 | 82 | 2 | juni | 185–197;jsessionid=E171230A9661CB3DDDD9A0B0DE3DABED.f01t03