Psychological distress of adolescents exposed to Hurricane Hugo


To ascertain the effects of a natural disaster on adolescents, 1482 South Carolina high school students who were exposed to Hurricane Hugo were surveyed 1 year after the disaster. Subjects completed a self-administered questionnaire measuring Hugo exposure, nonviolent and violent life events, social support, self-efficacy, and psychological distress. Results showed that the students reported minimal exposure to the hurricane and psychological distress variables approximated national norms. As exposure increased, adolescents reported increased symptoms of psychological distress; i.e., anger, depression, anxiety, and global mental distress. Females and white students experienced higher levels of distress. In most cases, other stressful life events were at least as strong a predictor of psychological distress as was exposure to the hurricane. Self-efficacy and social support were protective.

Hardin SB1, Weinrich M, Weinrich S, Hardin TL, Garrison C | 1994
In: Journal of traumatic stress, ISSN 0894-9867 | 7 | 3 | Jul | 427-440
Placement code: 
Yzermans collectie