The Provision of an EMDR-Based Multicomponent Trauma Treatment With Child Victims of Severe Interpersonal Trauma

This study evaluated a multicomponent phase–based trauma treatment approach for 34 children who were victims of severe interpersonal trauma (e.g., rape, sexual abuse, physical and emotional violence, neglect, abandonment). the children attended a week-long residential psychological recovery camp, which provided resource building experiences, the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing integrative group treatment protocol (emdr-igtp), and one-on-one emdr intervention for the resolution of traumatic memories. the individual emdr sessions were provided for 26 children who still had some distress about their targeted memory following the emdr-igtp. results showed significant improvement for all the participants on the child's reaction to traumatic events scale (crtes) and the short ptsd rating interview (sprint), with treatment results maintained at follow-up. more research is needed to assess the emdr-igtp and the one-on-one emdr intervention effects as part of a multimodal approach with children who have suffered severe interpersonal trauma.

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Jarero I,Roque-López S,Gomez J, | 2013
Journal of EMDR Practice and Research | 7 | 1 | 17-28