Posttraumatic Growth in Displaced Syrians in the UK : A Mixed-Methods Approach

This study aimed to explore posttraumatic growth (PTG) in displaced Syrians in the UK, using a mixed-methods approach. Fifty-four Syrian adults in the UK who left Syria as result of the war were recruited online to complete the PTG-Inventory. Five participants with high PTG scores were interviewed via Skype to explore their experiences of PTG. Interviews were analyzed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Results showed that displaced Syrians in the UK experience high levels of PTG. Major themes were valuing others more, pursuing a new career path, discovering inner strength, appreciation of life and detachment from it, and strengthened belief.


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Rayan Taher & Thérèse Allan | 2019
25 | 4 | 333-347
Displaced Persons, Displacement, Mental health, Migrants, Posttraumatic growth, Psychotrauma, Refugees, Research, Syrians
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In: Journal of Loss and Trauma ISSN: ‎1532-5024