Moral Distress, Conscientious Practice, and the Endurance of Ethics in Health Care through Times of Crisis and Calm

When health professionals experience moral distress during routine clinical practice, they are challenged to maintain integrity through conscientious practice guided by ethical principles and virtues that promote the dignity of all human beings who need care. Their integrity also needs preservation during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, especially when faced with triage protocols that allocate scarce resources. Although a crisis may change our ability to provide life-saving treatment to all who need it, a crisis should not change the ethical values that should always be guiding clinical care. Enduring ethical commitments should encourage clinicians to base treatment decisions on the medical needs of individual patients.


This approach contrasts with utilitarian attempts to maximize selected aggregate outcomes by using scoring systems that use short-term and possibly long-term prognostic estimates to discriminate between patients and thereby treat them unequally in terms of their eligibility for life-sustaining treatment. During times of crisis and calm, moral communication allows clinicians to exercise moral agency and advocate for their individual patients, thereby demonstrating conscientious practice and resisting influences that may contribute to compartmentalization, moral injury, and burnout.

Lauris Christopher Kaldjian | 2024
In: The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine ; ISSN:0360-5310 | 49 | 1 | februari | 11–27
Burnout, Communication, Conscientiousness, COVID-19 (en), Disasters, Epidemics, Mental health care, Morale, Psychological distress