Distress, wellbeing and war: qualitative analyses of civilian interviews from north eastern Sri Lanka
This paper outlines a methodology for the development of culturally sensitive measures of war problems (including psychological and behavioural problems) and wellbeing for use among refugees affected by the recently concluded civil war in Sri Lanka. These measures were derived from qualitative data collected from individuals living in areas affected by the civil war. The authors utilised a qualitative data analysis methodology, involving both open coding and thematic analysis. Examples of frequently coded nodes and questionnaire items that were developed from them are presented, and next steps (validation of the measures) are discussed.
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Nuwan Jayawickreme, Eranda Jayawickreme, Michelle A. Goonasekera & Edna B. Foa | 2009
In: Intervention: the international journal of mental health, psychosocial work and counselling in areas of armed conflict, ISSN 1571-8883 | 7 | 3 | 204-222
In: Intervention: the international journal of mental health, psychosocial work and counselling in areas of armed conflict, ISSN 1571-8883 | 7 | 3 | 204-222