Thought leader - Endowed Professor Trudy Mooren

Clinical psychologist and endowed professor Trudy Mooren of the ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre, highlights the role of parents and parenting to protect and support vulnerable children and families in this crisis- as they play such a key role in the protection and (sense of) safety of their children. What do vulnerable parents need to be supportive parents in these days?


First, they need adequate and updated information on the virus and prevention measures, in clear and simple language, so that they can convey this to their children of different ages. They also need to be able to connect to other parents, for exchange and social support. They need connectivity and the devices (phone, pc) to do so. Parents may also need support in managing their own stress - to minimize parental stress negatively affecting their children. Basic needs should be provided to most vulnerable families to alleviate these stressors. Furthermore, psychosocial support should be avaliable online, and later, when possible, through extra measures and facilities face to face.



War Child Holland | 2020
you tube, 24 april 2020 | Amsterdam : War Child Holland
Children, Information, Mental health, Parents, Prevention, Psychosocial support, Social Support, Stressors, Vulnerability