Mini-feature Towards understanding and addressing the root causes of displacement
Preventing displacement, addressing root causes and the promise of the Global Compact on Refugees
Volker Türk (Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General)
Shifting power and changing practice to support locally led peacebuilding
Alex Shoebridge (Oxfam)
Community-level conflict prevention and peacebuilding in DRC and Somalia
Wale Osofisan and Shuna Keen (IRC)
Gang violence, GBV and hate crime in Central America: State response versus State responsibility
Vickie Knox (University of London)
Resilience spaces: rethinking protection
Pablo Cortés Ferrández (IDMC)
Land and conflict: taking steps towards peace
Oumar Sylla, Ombretta Tempra, Filiep Decorte, Clarissa Augustinus and Ismael Frioud (UN-Habitat / Consultants)
The Palestinian refugee question: root causes and breaking the impasse
Francesca P Albanese and Damian Lilly (Georgetown University / UNRWA)
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In: Forced Migration Review ISSN 1460-9819 | 62 | October | 1-24