Postponed monuments in the Netherlands : manifestation, context, and meaning

What significance for victims and survivors do deferred memorials have in the Netherlands - founded long after the event that they remember? Which forms are there and in what context were these monuments established? Laurie Faro has examined these questions on the basis of four Dutch monuments: Monument Women of Ravensbrück, the Digital Monument to the Jewish Community, various monuments for stillborn children and the monument to the biggest train disaster in the Netherlands in Harmelen. There are many deferred memorials, which recall events or persons who were unknown , controversial or less in the spotlight. To gain a wider insight into this category of monuments, Laurie Faro conducted a case study next to preliminary and exploratory study. For this study, she selected these four monuments. These commemorative places are studied in the theoretical context of the concepts of monument, the chosen location and space. She also examines the objectives, the used symbolism and the function of these monuments to people. The essence of these monuments, according to Faro, lies in the need felt by victims and survivors to create a public place of permanent memorial.

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Faro LMC,Post PGJ, | 2015
XII, 312 pages | [Nederland]: [uitgever niet vastgesteld]

Auteursnaam op omslag: Laurie Faro. - Promotores: prof. dr. P.G.J. Post, prof. dr. M.H.F. Uden Proefschrift Tilburg University ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in het jaar 2015 Met literatuuropgave. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands
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