Handbook on the cultural formulation interview : DSM-5

DSM-5® Handbook of the Cultural Formulation Interview provides the background, context, and detailed guidance necessary to train clinicians in the use of the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI), which was created as part of the 2007-2013 DSM revision process. The purpose of the CFIand this unique handbookis to make it easier for providers to account for the influence of culture in their clinical work to enhance patient-clinician communication and improve outcomes. The book includes: 1. A detailed description of each of the three CFI components: a core 16-item questionnaire, which can be applied in any clinical setting with any patient by any mental health clinician, an informant version of the core CFI used to obtain information from caregivers, and 12 supplementary modules that expand on these basic assessments. This material facilitates implementation of the CFI by clinicians. 2. Over a dozen clinical vignettes are included to illustrate use of the three components, and the Handbook also includes multiple videos that demonstrate the application of portions of the core CFI, and several supplementary modules. 3. Strategies for incorporating the CFI into clinical training are identified and discussed, furthering the objective of developing culturally-sensitive and astute practitioners. 4. The theoretical bases of the CFI are explored, raising questions for discussion and identifying areas for further research

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Lewis-Fernandez R, | 2015
329 p | Washington, London: American Psychiatric Publishing

Placement code: 
s8.6 DSM