Changing Beliefs about Trauma: A Qualitative Study of Cognitive Processing Therapy

Background: Controlled qualitative methods complement quantitative treatment outcome research and enable a more thorough understanding of the effects of therapy and the suspected mechanisms of action. Aims: Thematic analyses were used to examine outcomes of cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a randomized controlled trial of individuals diagnosed with military-related PTSD (n = 15). Method: After sessions 1 and 11, participants wrote 'impact statements' describing their appraisals of their trauma and beliefs potentially impacted by traumatic events. Trained raters coded each of these statements using a thematic coding scheme. Results: An analysis of thematic coding revealed positive changes over the course of therapy in participants' perspective on their trauma and their future, supporting the purported mechanisms of CPT. Conclusion: Implications of this research for theory and clinical practice are discussed

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Price JL,MacDonald HZ,Adair KC,Koerner N,Monson CM, | 2014
Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy | 44 | 2 | 156-167