Postburn psychologic adaptation of family members of patients with burns


Although long-term followup studies have shown that the quality of family support is the most important factor influencing a patient's postburn adjustment, little has been published regarding the process of postburn adaptation of family members. This article describes a model of postburn adaptation that delineates the most common sequence of cognitive and emotional issues faced by autonomous, adult family members of burn survivors from the time of the patient's acute injury through completion of the patient's recovery and rehabilitation. In addition to focusing burn team attention on the needs of family members, this model includes descriptions of specific interventions burn staff can make with family members to resolve the issues faced and thus facilitate appropriate postburn adjustment.

Watkins PN1, Cook EL, May SR, Still JM Jr, Luterman A, Purvis RJ | 1996
In: The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation, ISSN 0273-8481 | 17 | 1 | Jan-Feb | 78-92
Placement code: 
Yzermans collectie