Learning from traumatic experiences with brief eclectic psychotherapy for PTSD
Brief eclectic psychotherapy for PTSD (BEPP) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that combines and integrates elements from psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and directive psychotherapy. Psychoeducation is done jointly with the patient and his or her partner. Exposure, a structured writing task, and memorabilia are used to help patients accessing, feeling and expressing their suppressed emotions related to the traumatic experience. In the domain of meaning stage, patients will learn how they and their view of the world have changed, and that they have become “sadder but wiser”. Much emphasis is put on the vulnerability of human beings. Finally, an individually tailored farewell ritual is done to end treatment, to reunite with loved ones, and to go on with life.
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Berthold P.R. Gersons, & U. Schnyder | 2013
In: European journal of psychotraumatology, ISSN 2000-8066 | 4 | dec | 21369
Literatuuropgave; Grafieken
In: European journal of psychotraumatology, ISSN 2000-8066 | 4 | dec | 21369
Literatuuropgave; Grafieken