Lay Counselling: A Trainer's Manual
Social and humanitarian organisations provide support to people affected by crisis events all across the globe every day. They respond to human suffering in many different ways, assisting people affected by disasters or other critical events, people suffering from loss or serious illnesses, and people living in isolation or being stigmatised.
Lay counselling - psychosocial support provided by staff or volunteers who do not have a mental health background or formal degree in counselling
- is often used to assist people in need. Although lay counselling should never replace professional counselling, thousands of lay counsellors provide an important service to vulnerable people and to their organisations - and sometimes in areas and situations where no professional counselling is available. Therefore, it is important that lay counsellors are well prepared, well trained and effective.
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Met vriendelijke groet,
Het psychotraumanet-team.
Renate van den Bronk, Sjef Berendsen, Petra Roose , Ria Stiefelhagen, Marijn Kraikamp, Marijke Lenders | 2014
89 p. | pscentre [host]
89 p. | pscentre [host]