The Nature Photography Project : A Creative Approach to the Climate and Ecological Emergencies

This is a personal account of conducting a nature-based photography project with British primary school children aged 8–10 years. The purpose of the project was to give children the opportunity to engage in a positive and creative activity that would allow them to share what they cared about in the natural world around them, and discuss what they wanted to protect from the climate and ecological crises. It involved giving children cameras for a half day in an area of natural beauty and encouraging them to photograph whatever they liked. They were then asked to select one picture for exhibition and explain in their own words what the picture meant for them. They also had the opportunity to send messages to global political leaders who were attending the G7 meeting that was held in the neighbourhood, if they wished. In keeping with other research, the majority of children enjoyed the project, noticed things in nature they had never noticed before, felt that it connected them to nature and that it would be good for other children. Their stories showed how much they valued nature and recognised the need to protect it. Many also saw the connections between biodiversity, habitat loss and the climate crisis, and demanded action from politicians on all three. The project is simple to implement and is recommended for other children as a means to enhance nature connectedness, increase children’s wellbeing and their wish to protect the environment. 

Lynne Jones | 2022
In: Interventions : Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas : ISSN: 1571-8883 | 20 | 1 | May | 123-127
British, Children, Climate change, Editorial, Environmental Disasters, Natural Disasters, Quality of Life