Narrative Exposure Therapy VS. Present-Centered Therapy with Older Adults : Results from an RCT

Older adults present a growing population in our society and in our mental health system. Among older adults, PTSD is a serious, but frequently hidden psychiatric disorder with various potential trajectories. Elderly patients may have been exposed to multiple traumatic events. Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) was developed to address cumulative traumatic memories and aims at connecting them to context and meaning within an autobiographic narrative. Present Centered Therapy (PCT) targets current stressors with a solution-focused approach. In an RCT we investigated the benefits of NET, compared to PCT, for older adults (>55 years, living independently) presenting with PTSD. Preliminary results showed that treatments and assessments were well-tolerated. Challenges were found in recruitment, treatment retention, and treatment interference by comorbid health problems. NET appears to be a safe and feasible outpatient treatment for older adults suffering from PTSD. PCT showed notable treatment effects as well, but NET demonstrated more sustained results.

J. Lely, J. van den Bout, J.J. ter Heide, N. van der Aa, J.W. Knipscheer, R.J. Kleber | 2017
In: Innovation in Aging, ISSN 2399-5300 | 1 | supplement 1 | July | 58