Lebensspuren: Opfer der Rostocker Psychiatrischen -und Nervenklinik während der Zeit des Natzionalsozialismus = Life traces: victims of Rostock's psychiatric and neurological hospital during the Nazi regime

Euthanasia' was the cynical euphemism used by the Nazis to refer to the systematic extermination of hundreds of thousands of mentally sick and handicapped people between 1939 and 1945. Today, many of the victims, including patients at the Rostock Psychiatric and Neurological Hospital, are no more than figures on a statistics sheet. Accordingly, it is quite rare for individual fates to be taken into consideration, not least because of the meagre traces left by the victims, many of which have in fact been obliterated for good. The article pursues two aims: (a) to give a general account of the research interest involved in investigating euthanasia in Mecklenburg, and more specifically in Rostock, and (b) to approach the victims both as groups and as individuals. A key concern is to identify the criteria used to assign individual patients to a group with specific characteristics leading to final selection. In addition, an attempt is made to trace individual destinies.

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Kathleen Haack | 2010
In: Trauma und Gewalt = ISSN 1863 7167 | 4 | 4 | nov | 282-292

Met lit.opg.