Leadership of Mayors and Governors during Crises: A Systematic Review on Tasks and Effectiveness

The aim of this article is to provide a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature on leadership tasks and effectiveness of mayors and governors during drastic collective events. A total of 34 peer-reviewed articles met our criteria. They were analysed using the theoretical framework by Boin on leadership tasks, i.e., sense making, decision making, meaning making, terminating, and learning. Studies ranged from minor incidents like local riots, to the events of 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. The material turned out to be dominated by Western and American studies. Because of limitations in the empirical and knowledge base of the studies, it is difficult to draw general conclusions on what is supposed to be effective leadership by mayors and/or governors in these circumstances.

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Wouter Jong, Michel L. A. Dückers, Peter G. van der Velden | 2015
In: Journal of contingencies and crisis management, ISSN 1468-5973
Article first published online: 26 JUN 2015