Intervention: Strengthening community mental health resources by training refugees as peer counselors. A manual for trainers

The manual that you hold in your hands is bom out of the dire need to offer psychological support to refugees. Many of them will share with you endless stories of deprivation, abuse, threat, expulsion, stress and trauma throughout their odyssey to a safer place, and continue to face personal challenges on a daily basis after they have found temporary protection in a camp or host country. Training refugees as peer counsellors aims at creating lasting mental health resources within such refugee communities that can be easily approached, offer a range of empowering support measures, and link with more professional services as far as necessary and available

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Het psychotraumanet-team.

Josi Salem-Pickartz | 2008
In: Intervention : the international journal of mental health, psychosocial work and counselling in areas of armed conflict = ISSN 1571-8883 | 90 p | Amstelveen : Intervention Foundation