Intervention Healing communities by strengthening social capital: a Narrative Theatre approach

As a result of discussions held in communities impacted by extreme war related trauma and pain, it becomes clear that the whole context of life is negatively affected, additional to the individual’s suffering. There are physical hardships like poverty, hunger and overall destruction of buildings and infrastructures. Additionally, community and social wellbeing are also often shattered. Instead of the enemy outside, the enemy may appear to exist inside both families and communities. Mistrust and suspicion can have a huge impact on all relationships within a community. When people have been subjected to war and armed conflict over a long period of time, the social fabric of the community is eroded and networks of trust are severely strained, or even broken, and every family will have been affected in one way or another.

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Yvonne Sliep | 2009
In: Intervention : the international journal of mental health, psychosocial work and counselling in areas of armed conflict, ISSN 1571-8883 | War Trauma Foundation