Intergenerational cycles of trauma and violence : an attachment and family systems perspective

Introduction -- The parent-child attachment relationship -- Family context of attachment relationships -- Neurobiology and genetics -- Peer victimization and partner violence -- Child sexual abuse -- Special populations -- Final thoughtsThe author proposes in this book that an increased risk for abusive behavior or revictimization, as a function of ones own experiences of abuse or trauma in childhood, can best be understood through the complementary lenses of attachment theory (focusing on the relationship between the child and the caregiver) and family systems theory (focusing on the larger context of this relationship). That is, what a child acquires from her relationship with a caregiver is not simply a reflection of what she has learned from experiencing or witnessing abuse. Rather, it emerges from the childs felt experience of the relationship itselfon implicit emotional, physical, and neurobiological levels. Alexander founds the book on this multifaceted parentchild attachment relationship and its place in the wider family system, integrating clinical experience with attention to the long-term neurobiological and epigenetic effects of trauma. She focuses on common outcomes of a history of maltreatment, and of child sexual abuse in particular, including peer victimization, partner violence, parenting problems, and sexual offending. A detailed review of the literature accompanies instructive case examples. Sources of trauma from outside the family, including combat exposure, political terrorism, foster care, and incarceration of parents are considered. Finally, Alexander analyzes the multiple sources of natural resiliencethe neurobiological, the individual, the relational, and the socialto enable professionals of all backgrounds to tailor-make effective interventions for interrupting cycles of trauma and violence

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Alexander PC, | 2015
XI, 370 pages | New York: W.W. Norton & Company

A Norton professional book Met literatuuropgave en index
Placement code: 
s8 ALE