Effects of competence feedback on therapist competence and patient outcome : A randomized controlled trial.

Objective: Therapist competence is considered essential for the success of psychotherapy. Feedback is an intervention which has the potential to improve therapist competence. The present study investigated whether competence feedback leads to an improvement of therapist competence and patient outcome.


The ethnic density effect in psychosis : a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis

An ‘ethnic’ or ‘group’ density effect in psychosis has been observed, whereby the risk of psychosis in minority group individuals is inversely related to neighbourhood-level proportions of others belonging to the same group. However, there is conflicting evidence over whether this effect differs between minority groups and limited investigation into other moderators.


To conduct a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of the group density effect in psychosis and examine moderators.


Post-traumatic growth in psychosis : a systematic review and narrative synthesis

Background and objective

People with psychosis report experiences of highly traumatic events. Positive change or post-traumatic growth (PTG) can occur as a result of traumatic experiences. Yet there is limited attention on PTG in psychosis, possibly due to the negative impact of psychotic symptoms on functioning and quality of life. The aim of this review was to identify significant correlates and mediators of PTG in psychosis, and to develop a conceptual framework synthesising facilitators of PTG in psychosis.


Traumatized Refugees in Psychotherapy : Long-Term Changes in Personality, Mental Health, Well-Being, and Exile Life Functioning

This pre- and posttreatment study of 22 severely traumatized adult refugees spanned a mean of 6.5 years. Changes in personality functioning, mental health, and well-being were examined using the Rorschach Performance Assessment System, Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, Hopkins Symptom Checklist–25, and the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life–BREF questionnaire.

Continuation of Antidepressants vs Sequential Psychological Interventions to Prevent Relapse in Depression : An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis

Importance: Depression frequently recurs. To prevent relapse, antidepressant medication is often taken in the long term. Sequentially delivering a psychological intervention while undergoing tapering of antidepressant medication might be an alternative to long-term antidepressant use. However, evidence is lacking on which patients may benefit from tapering antidepressant medication while receiving a psychological intervention and which should continue the antidepressant therapy.

Anxiety in late-life depression

Our work showed that anxiety in late-life depression is common and may complicate clinical practice. As an overarching theme, this thesis shows that it may be prudent to distinguish between comorbid anxious arousal and anxiety disorders in late-life depression (chapter 2) as both yields different determinants (chapter 3-7). Moreover, differentiating between specific comorbid anxiety disorders results in even more specific determinants. In this chapter we will discuss these findings (see box 1) in the broader perspective of the research field.

Offspring's risk for suicidal behaviour in relation to parental death by suicide: systematic review and meta-analysis and a model for familial transmission of suicide

Exposure to parental suicide has been associated with increased risk for suicide and suicide attempts, although the strength of this association is unclear as evidence remains inconsistent.


To quantify this risk using meta-analysis and identify potential effect modifiers.


The post-war generation remembers : A mixed-method study exploring children’s attitudes towards World War II commemoration

This study investigated how children, a post-war generation without direct connection to war, relate to the commemoration of World War II (WWII). Seven group interviews were held among pupils in the Netherlands, aged 9 to 18 (n = 55) and, subsequently, questionnaires
were administered to other pupils (n = 374).


Identity and Resilience in Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation

This chapter addresses resilience and identity in victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. We will consider sexual exploitation as defined by commercial sexual acts which are forced by either physical or psychological means, and for which one receives no or insufficient compensation. We will first introduce various concepts relevant for understanding what factors impact resilience in victims of sexual exploitation.



Decreased Emotional Dysregulation Following Multi-Modal Motion-Assisted Memory Desensitization and Reconsolidation Therapy (3MDR) : Identifying Possible Driving Factors in Remediation of Treatment-Resistant PTSD

Abstract: Multi-modal motion-assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation therapy (3MDR), an interactive, virtual reality-assisted, exposure-based intervention for PTSD, has shown promising results for treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder (TR-PTSD) among military members (MMs) and veterans in randomized controlled trials (RCT).

