Special Issue: critical reflections on refugee integration: lessons from international perspectives

Legal status and refugee integration: a UK perspective/ Sylvie Da Lomba, When policy creates politics: the problematizing of immigration and the consequences for refugee integration in the UK/ Gareth Mulvey, State assisted integration: refugee integration policies in Scandinavian welfare states: the Swedish and Norwegian experience/ Marko Valenta and Nihad Bunar, Living in limbo: integration of forced migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia/ Natalija Vrecer, 'When they don't use it they wil lose it': professionals, deprofessionalization and reprofessionalization: the case of refuge

Sense of coherence and socio-demographic characteristics predicting posttraumatic stress symptoms and recovery in the aftermath of the second Lebanon war

This study investigated the role of sense of coherence (SOC) as a mediator between demographic attributes of individuals (gender, age, economic situation, and exposure to traumatic events during the war) and two war outcomes (postwar stress symptoms and perceived posttraumatic recovery).

Sexualisierte gewalt im II. Weltkrieg: Resonanz auf eine studienankündigung als kaleidoskop Deutscher ansätze zur erinnerungskultur = Sexualized violence in Worldwar II - Responses to the announcement of a study as a kaleidoscope of German approaches to

Die mit einer Pressemitteilung der Universität Greifswald angekündigte Studie zur sexualisierten Gewalt am Ende des II. Weltkrieges erzielte eine so große und komplexe Resonanz bei Betroffenen, Interessierten und in den Medien, dass ein vielschichtiges Erfahrungs- und Meinungsbild zu dem bislang im öffentlichen Diskurs kaum thematisierten Traumageschehen entstand. Der vorliegende Artikel versucht, typische Diskussionsbeiträge beispielhaft zu zitieren und psychotraumatologisch zu kommentieren.

Ressourcenorientierte psychodynamische Gruppenpsychotherapie in der Behandlung komplexer Traumfolgestörungen

While there is substantial interest in trauma-specific psychodynamic individual therapy, this is not true for group therapies. Some general considerations will be put forward regarding the specificity of group psychotherapy with patients suffering from complex posttraumatic disorders. Especially, a good balance of resilience vs. problem orientation is recommended.

Retrouver l'humain dans les therapies des demandeurs d'asile victimes de violences extrêmes: retour en ex-Yougoslavie = Find again the human being in the therapies of asylum seekers, victims of extremes violences: back to ex-Yougoslavia

Les pathologies post-traumatiques occasionnées par les guerres contemporaines (fratricides, interethniques) révèlent des attaques des liens internes et externes et entament le pacte narcissique. Les sujets ont été expulsés de l'humaine condition. Dans de telles conditions, ce sont alors la position soignante et la fonction clinique qu'il convient de venir interroger. Deux exemples cliniques tirés de séances de psychothérapie de personnes demandeurs d'asile illustreront ce texte.

Refugee Status Determinations and the Limits of Memory

Refugee status decision makers typically have unreasonable expectations of what and how people remember. Many assume that our minds record all aspects of the events that we experience, and that these memories are stored in our brains and remain unchanged over time. Decades of psychological research has demonstrated, however, that our memories are neither so complete nor so stable, even setting aside the effects on memory of trauma and stress. In addition, our autobiographical memories change over time, and may change significantly.

Refugees and asylum seekers: a review from an equality and human rights perspective /Peter Aspinal, Charles Waters

This report examines the situation of asylum seekers and refugees from an equality and human rights perspective. Refugees and asylum seekers are a diverse group, with one thing in common: they are subject to forced migration, and are fleeing from persecution in their countries of origin. They have a range of intersectional identities and can experience discrimination on the grounds of any of the seven equality areas, or because of socio-economic factors.

Rehabilitation of torture survivors in five countries: common themes and challenges

Background: Torture continues to be a global problem and there is a need for prevention and rehabilitation efforts.There is little available data on torture survivors from studies designed and conducted by health professionals in low income countries. This study is a collaboration between five centres from Gaza, Egypt, Mexico, Honduras and South Africa who provide health, social and legal services to torture survivors, advocate for the prevention of torture and are part of the network of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT).

PTSD in the older bereaved people

Complicated grief reactions are relatively common following spousal bereavement. Old-age spousal loss qualifies as a possible traumatic stressor, however, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a possible complication of the loss has rarely been explored in this population. This study aimed to investigate the frequency of PTSD in elderly bereaved people across the first 18 months of bereavement. Additionally, risk factors for the prediction of bereavement outcome in relation to four domains of the bereavement process were investigated.

Public support for vigilantism

Why can vigilantes count on public support? Why do citizens in certain cases oppose the formal prosecution and punishment of vigilantes? Are such reactions an indication of lacking confidence in the criminal justice system? Or do situational aspects perhaps also play a role? The goal of this dissertation is to explain public support for vigilantism. In two studies, respondents were presented with a fictional case about vigilantism and answered related questions.
