Harmless Identities: Representations of Racial Consciousness among Three Generations Indo-Europeans

I wish to introduce the topic of racial consciousness with some words about a Dutch author born in the former colony of the Dutch East Indies: Hella S. Haasse. When she passed away in September 2011 at the age of 93, all obituaries affirmed she wasone of the most-respected and admired modern novelists, whose vivid and lively evocations of life in the former colony of the Dutch East Indies have reached a worldwide audience. The career of Haasse, who has practised the art of writing historical novels to perfection, took off with the novella Oeroeg, which was published in 1948. This was only three years after the end of the Second World War in the Dutch East Indies and in the middle of a brutal war of decolonisation between the Netherlands and its former colony. The country was granted autonomy as the Republic Indonesia in December 1949. In the years that followed, life in the Dutch East Indies remained a secondary but recurring theme in Haasse’s body of work. Her travel-diary Krassen op een rots, notities bij een reis op Java (1970), the historical novel Heren van de Thee (1992), her autobiography Parang Sawat, een handvol achtergrond (1993) and the novel Sleuteloog (2002) were all highly appreciated by readers as well as awardedimportant prices by literary critics.2

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Captain E, | 2014
Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race | 27 | 1 | 53-69