Gruppentherapie mit komplex traumatisierten. Patientinnen im stationären Setting

Group psychotherapy with complex traumatized clients can be highly challenging for therapists. Traditional psychodynamic group therapy can be especially overwhelming for patients with dissociative comorbidity. These patients tend to react with avoidance, withdrawal, and dissociation to emotions mobilized during the group process. Nevertheless, clinical practice shows that a specific approach, adjusted to the specific needs and abilities of this difficult-to-treat patient group, enhances the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and reduces counter-therapeutic regressive patient behaviors. In this article two different therapeutic group concepts using different methods will be introduced. This will be illustrated by several examples from clinical practice.

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Group psychotherapy with complex traumatized clients in an inpatient setting / D. Hefftler, S. Mehler | 2010
In: Gruppen?psychotherapie und Gruppendynamik = ISSN 0017 4947 | 46 | 1 | 41-54