Gruppenpsychotherapie bei traumatisierten Patientinnen.Konzepte und Stand der Forschung

Group psychotherapy has been shown to be a valuable element in the treatment of trauma survivors. Most concepts address childhood trauma, while some also deal with survivors of war trauma. A variety of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral group concepts are presented. While transference-oriented psychodynamic group psychotherapy aims at working through enactments of traumatic experiences in the transference relationship, other psycho-dynamic approaches focus on processing traumatic affects without using transference work. Psychodynamic-interactive and mentalization-based approaches can be used to restore impaired ego functions. The resource-oriented psychodynamic approach aims at strengthening the patients&rsquo, emotion regulation and to cope with post-traumatic and dissociative symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral group therapy concepts include education groups, affect management groups and trauma-focused group therapies using trauma exposition techniques. Based on evidence available from controlled studies, recommendations are given how to select and design adequate group therapy settings for traumatized patients. Data from empirical research support the importance of stabilization before trauma confrontation work is considered.

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Group Psychotherapy with traumatized clients. Concepts and state of research / W. Wöller | 2010
In: Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik = ISSN 0017 4947 | 46 | 1 | 4-21