The girl who wanted to stand-up in class and speak to her classmates

There are several factors that can lead to social anxiety disorder (fear of being judged or rejected), such as genetics, environmental factors, learned experiences, deficits in social skills, cognitive factors and/or culture. Considering all these factors, there are many people prone to develop social anxiety disorder in Afghanistan. In a recent study conducted at Herat University, it was shown that many students suffer from social anxiety disorder. The case described in this personal reflection concerns a student, who, upon assessment of her symptoms, the author diagnosed as having social anxiety disorder and provided several counselling sessions. After some time, positive results were achieved and the client recovered significantly from her disorder by the conclusion of the sessions.


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Basir Ah. Karimi | 2018
In: Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, ISSN 1571-8883 | 16 | 3 | 271-272
Afghans, Anxiety Disorders, Casuistry, Neglect, Self Esteem